Tuesday, November 20, 2012

lang-8 2 reflection

When I began writing my blogs, I said I wanted to force myself to think in Japanese more, as opposed to thinking in English and then translating it. I also said I wanted to work on the flow of my writing more.
While I still think primarily in English, I believe I'm slowly becoming more able to think in Japanese sentence structures, and then doublechecking them in English to make sure they work. Additionally, I think I'm beginning to incorporate more complex sentence structures.
However, I still have difficulty with flow, especially when I'm trying to work in newer vocabulary words. While technically all the sentences form a functional paragraph, they don't really lead into each other very well, and come off as awkward sometimes. With the addition of new vocabulary (and sometimes new grammar), my sentences, while still remaining functional, feel forced and lack the fluidity I desire. Really, the only thing I can think of to keep working on this is to keep writing a lot.
That being said, I still think I'm slowly getting better, and this (though a shorter blog post) had the least corrections I've had so far, so I'm somewhat pleased with where I am right now.

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